參考 studio 的 demo script,和 openradar 的 script,合併成一個可以用 studio 的 postprocess 的 capture script.
ar1.XX 的function 沒有文件,只有在 lua shell 用 help 命令查看一下,要列出所有function 也不行 (我不知道方法)
ar1.FullReset() ar1.SOPControl(2) ar1.Connect(15,921600,1000) ar1.DownloadBSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_00_00_02\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss.bin") ar1.DownloadMSSFw("C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_00_00_02\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts\\..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss.bin") ar1.PowerOn(1,1000,0,0) ar1.RfEnable()設定Chirp, Frame and Capture Parameters
Int32 ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(UInt16 Tx0En, UInt16 Tx1En, UInt16 Tx2En, UInt16 Rx0En, UInt16 Rx1En, UInt16 Rx2En, UInt32 Rx3En, Int32 BitsVal, UInt32 FmtVal, UInt32 IQSwap) - Static device config API which defines configure both the Transmiter and Reciever channels of Radar device and also ADC data format output _I_ UInt16 Tx0En - Tx0 channel _I_ UInt16 Tx1En - Tx1 channel _I_ UInt16 Tx2En - Tx2 channel _I_ UInt16 Rx0En - Rx0 channel _I_ UInt16 Rx1En - Rx1 channnel _I_ UInt16 Rx2En - Rx2 channel _I_ UInt32 Rx3En - Rx3 channel[b15:0] + (CascadePinOutCfg[b31:16] b16:ClkOutMasterDis, b17:SynOutMasterDis, b18:ClkOutSlaveEna, b19:SynOutSlaveEna, b20:IntLOMasterEna, b21:OSCClkOutMasterDis) _I_ Int32 BitsVal - Number of ADC bits _I_ UInt32 FmtVal - ADC output format[b15:0] + FullScaleReductionFactor[b31:16] _I_ UInt32 IQSwap - ADC Mode[b15:0] + CascadeMode[b31:16](Single Chip: 0x0000, MultiChip Master:0x0001, MultiChip Slave:0x0002) Int32 ar1.LPModConfig(Int32 AnaChan, Int32 LpAdcMod) - LP Mod Config API which defines both Configure the ADC Mode and analog filter channel format _I_ Int32 AnaChan - Analog filter Chananel _I_ Int32 LpAdcMod - ADC Modecommand ...
ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0) ar1.LPModConfig(0, 1) ar1.RfInit()