
加密整個硬碟 (driver) - dm-crypt

ref: 需要 cryptsetup
雖然大多數都是配合 LUKS 跟 LVM。但是有點麻煩,所以用罪簡單的方式..
先用 cryptsetup ,把 usb disk sdb 加密,mapping 到 logical volume 上..
-- 會問密碼。
sudo cryptsetup open --type plain /dev/sdb cryptdrv
這樣,到 /dev/mapper 上看,就會出現一個 cryptdrv 的 device (disk)。
可以用mkfs.ext4 format 這格 device (disk)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptdrv
然後就可以 mount 這個 device(disk) 了,就像一般的 disk 一樣..
mount /dev/mapper/cryptdrv mapper_disk
mount 進來後,就可以當一般的 disk 使用了。

用完 umount 後,再把 mapper 解開..
sudo cryptsetup close --type plain cryptdrv
.. 可以看看 /dev/mapper,已經沒有 cryptdrv 了。

usb disk 可以拿到其他電腦上,用一樣的方法就可以 mount ..
但是這一篇 有說,plain 跟luks 還是有很大的差別,plain 的 risk 很大,甚至有機會遇到未加密的狀況。

ecryptfs -- 加密目錄

這個 tool 好像歸類為 "stacked filesystem",就是掛在現有filesystem 之上。
使用上,就是 加密目錄

這一篇 寫得很清楚,但是看起來比較囉唆。
這一篇 說明用 mount command 來加密目錄。比較簡單。

安裝:需要kernel module : ecryptfs , ecrypted_keys
user land tool : ecryptfs-utils

用 apt 安裝 ecryptfs-utils 之後,手動 : modprobe ecryptfs 之後,就可以用了..
依照上面的例子:要加密 /home/charles-chang/sss 的話...
$sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/charles-chang/sss /home/charles-chang/sss

mount OK 後,用 mount 看
/home/charles-chang/sss on /home/charles-chang/sss type ecryptfs (rw,relatime,
要 unmount 的話用一般命令 umount 就可以。要 mount 的話就要記住第一次mount 的所有 option 和 passphrase.

雖然是以 目錄 為加密單位,但是目錄裡的每一個file 都是獨立個體,copy 到其他目錄下,用 mount -t ecryptfs 把所在目錄 mount 起來後,可以看到內容。

encfs 跟這格的用法好像一樣,但是好像不需要 kernel module.

cryptmount -- user file level 的 加密檔案系統

~$ sudo cryptmount-setup 

cryptmount setup script

This program will allow you to setup a secure filing-system that will 
be managed by "cryptmount". You will be able to select basic features 
such as the location and size of the filesystem - if you want more 
advanced features, you should consult the cryptmount manual page.

cryptmount version 5.2.2, (C)Copyright 2007-2014 RW Penney
cryptmount comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
certain conditions - see the file 'COPYING' in the source directory.

Each cryptmount filesystem is identifed by a short name which is used 
when mounting or configuring that filesystem. This name should be a 
single word (without spaces), such as "opaque".
The following target names have already been used:    (NONE)

  Please enter a target name for your filesystem

The opaque filesystem can be configured to be owned by a nominated 
user, who will be able to create top-level files & directories 
without needing to involve the superuser.

  Which user should own the filesystem (leave blank for "root")

In order to access the opaque filesystem, it must be mounted on top 
of an empty directory.

  Please specify where "opaque" should be mounted

The maximum available size of your filesystem needs to be chosen so 
that enough space can be reserved on your disk.

  Enter the filesystem size (in MB)

The actual encrypted filesystem will be stored in a special file, 
which needs to be large enough to contain your entire encrypted 

  Enter a filename for your encrypted container

Access to your encrypted filesystem is protected by a key that is 
kept in a separate small file. The key is locked by a password that 
you must enter whenever you mount the filesystem.

  Enter a location for the keyfile

Your filing system is now ready to be built - this will involve:
 - Creating the directory "/home/charles-chang/crypt"
 - Creating a 64MB file, "/home/charles-chang/crypto.fs"
 - Adding an extra entry ("opaque") in /etc/cryptmount/cmtab
 - Creating a key-file ("/etc/cryptmount/opaque.key")
 - Creating an ext3 filingsystem on "/home/charles-chang/crypto.fs"
If you do not wish to proceed, no changes will be made to your system.

  Please confirm that you want to proceed (enter "yes")
  [no]: Yes
Making mount-point (/home/charles-chang/crypt)... done
Creating filesystem container (/home/charles-chang/crypto.fs)... done
Taking backup of cryptmount master config-file (/etc/cryptmount/cmtab.bckp-setup)... done
Generating filesystem access key (/etc/cryptmount/opaque.key)...
Generating random key; please be patient...
Enter new password for target "opaque": 
Confirm password: 
Password mismatch
Generating random key; please be patient...
Enter new password for target "opaque": 
Confirm password: 
Formatting encrypted filesystem...
Enter password for target "opaque": 
Your new encrypted filesystem is now ready for use - to access, try:
    cryptmount opaque
    cd /home/charles-chang/crypt
After you have finished using the filesystem, try:
    cryptmount --unmount opaque

Please take great care NOT to delete or damage your keyfile 
("/etc/cryptmount/opaque.key"). Without that file, and the associated 
password, it will be virtually impossible to access your encrypted 
filesystem. You may want to keep a separate backup copy of the 
這樣類似 loop file 的 disk 和 mount option,passowrd 都設好了。
開始 mount:
sudo cryptmount opaque
Enter passowrd for target "opaque":
e2fsck 1.43.3
/dev/mapper/opaaue: clean 11/16384 files. 7477/65536 blocks
用 mount 來看..
/dev/mapper/opaque on /home/charles-chang/crypt type ext3 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
之後用 man cryptmount 可以看一些動作 : mount, umount, change password. list created files 等等..
操作完,從 mount 的 link 可以看到cryptmount 是類似 user file system,encrypt 作在 filesystem 下,在 device 端,
所以上層看到的是 ext3
在 man encryptmount 寫的比較多..
也有說明如何 mount 真正的 disk partition

感覺用 LUKS 比較標準..