所以download 完 snpe sdk後,要先安裝qpm.
qpm 裝完,login 後,會是一個 daemon(service),就可以用 qpm-cli 命令。
用qpm-cli 解開/安裝 snpe..不管在哪裡解開,都會 install 到:
qpm-cli --extract XXOO.qik SUCCESS: Installed qualcomm_neural_processing_sdk.Core at /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/裝完可以用:
qpm-cli --info qualcomm_neural_processing_sdk Product Name : qualcomm_neural_processing_sdk Product Classification : Binary Installed version : None Available version(s) :安裝完後的docs下,有 html 的文件。
follow 這個附的文件,setup,這版 2023/9 月的版本,是用 ubuntu 20.04
提供兩個 script 來檢查/安裝 需要個 package:
- check-python-dependency
- check-linux-dependency.sh
文件說明 default 是 3.8,但是如果是要 run tensorflow 1.15.0,就要用 3.6。
先用 3.8 來做..用 conda create snpe3.8
然後 run envsetup.sh
$ source /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ [INFO] AISW SDK environment set [INFO] SNPE_ROOT: /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ python.. 結果一堆 error:
$ /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html import pkg_resources WARNING: attrs installed version: 21.4.0 does not match tested version: 22.2.0 WARNING: decorator installed version: 4.4.2 does not match tested version: 5.1.1 WARNING: joblib installed version: 1.1.0 does not match tested version: 1.0.1 WARNING: packaging installed version: 21.3 does not match tested version: 21.0 WARNING: pillow installed version: 9.4.0 does not match tested version: 6.2.1 WARNING: scipy installed version: 1.8.1 does not match tested version: 1.9.1 Python Modules missing: absl-py, invoke, lxml, mako, matplotlib, numpy, opencv-python, pandas, pathlib2, protobuf, pytest, pyyaml, six, tabulate Installing missing modules using pip3 Installing absl-py version: 0.13.0 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. nbconvert 6.5.0 requires entrypoints>=0.2.2, which is not installed. Installing invoke version: 2.0.0 Installing lxml version: 4.6.2 Installing mako version: 1.1.0 Installing matplotlib version: 3.3.4 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. moviepy 1.0.3 requires requests<3.0,>=2.8.1, which is not installed. Installing numpy version: 1.23.5 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. moviepy 1.0.3 requires requests<3.0,>=2.8.1, which is not installed. Installing opencv-python version: Installing pandas version: 1.1.5 Installing pathlib2 version: 2.3.6 Installing protobuf version: 3.19.6 Installing pytest version: 7.0.1 Installing pyyaml version: 3.10 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. naked 0.1.31 requires requests, which is not installed. Installing six version: 1.16.0 Installing tabulate version: 0.8.5用 pip 分別安裝 error 的 package,應該過了,但是 version 不一定一樣。
文件說明 android ndk 經過 snpe 認證的是 r19c.
用 android-studio 的 sdk-manager 來看,19版 只有 19.2
裝完看 CHANGELOG.md,剛好是 r19c,所以 path 就是 Android/Sdk/ndk/19.2.5345600
所以設完變數,run check...
$export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/charles-chang/Android/Sdk/ndk/19.2.5345600 $export PATH=${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}:${PATH} $/opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ -n Checking Android NDK Environment -------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Found ndk-build at /home/charles-chang/Android/Sdk/ndk/19.2.5345600/ndk-build and ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is also set. -------------------------------------------------------------- $ /opt/qcom/aistack/snpe/ -c Checking Clang-9 Environment -------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Found clang++-9 at /usr/bin/clang++-9 --------------------------------------------------------------另外,pip install torch==1.8.1 onnx==1.11.0 tensorflow==2.10.1 tflite==2.3.0