
mender.io : dump content from *.mender

要從 mender file 中拿到安裝檔,script...,要用 dump command:
~$ mender-artifact dump --help
   mender-artifact dump - Dump contents from Artifacts

   mender-artifact dump [command options] <Artifact>

   Dump various raw files from the Artifact. These can be used to create a new Artifact with the same components.

   --files value      Dump all included files in the first payload into given folder
   --meta-data value  Dump the contents of the meta-data field in the first payload into given folder
   --print-cmdline    Print the command line that can recreate the same Artifact with the components being dumped. 
                      If all the components are being dumped, a nearly identical Artifact can be created. 
                      Note that timestamps will cause the checksum of the Artifact to be different, 
                      and signatures can not be recreated this way. The command line will only use long option names.
   --print0-cmdline   Same as 'print-cmdline', except that the arguments are separated by a null character (0x00).
   --scripts value    Dump all included state scripts into given folder
上面help 中的value 是說你要 dump 到那一個目錄...

討論區文章的說明,mender 可以直接用 tar 解開。
實際測試,tar 解開的不包含 scripts 和 print-cmdline 的內容。
大概跟 --files 的輸出一樣。

所以要拿到 state_scripts ,還是要用 dump command

另外,做 delta update 時,會確認 base image 的 checksum 和 delta ota package 中的 base image 是不是一樣。
是用 sha256sum 來確認的。
sha256sum <your partition> 

