scripts/kconfig 是一個獨立的tools, 包含一堆 conf.
Makefile 有說明裡面的執行檔 (不是 target..)
# =========================================================================== # Shared Makefile for the various kconfig executables: # conf: Used for defconfig, oldconfig and related targets # nconf: Used for the nconfig target. # Utilizes ncurses # mconf: Used for the menuconfig target # Utilizes the lxdialog package # qconf: Used for the xconfig target # Based on Qt which needs to be installed to compile it # gconf: Used for the gconfig target # Based on GTK+ which needs to be installed to compile it這幾個 conf 有共用的部份。
- conf : 沒有 ui,就是單純run check .config
- mconf: 用lxdialog 這個 library 做出 ui 的 config
linux 的 kconfig 比較大,buildroot 的 kconfig 比較小,可以從buildroot 的 kconfig 看起。