所以 oe 跟 yocto 根本一樣。
-- 有被proxy 檔的可以改clone github mirror, 有 https : http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/Mirrors
大概就是 clone oe-core, 再到oe-core 下面 clone bitbake.
然後 run envsetup, 指定 build 目錄。
然後就開使用bitbake build
/oe-core | +- bitbake | +- meta(s) | +- scripts因為oe-core 自己是一個 git project, 所以bitbake 有被寫進 .gitignore 中。
這一篇有說為什麼: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35904769/what-are-the-differences-between-open-embedded-core-and-meta-openembedded
At the start of the OpenEmbedded Project, there was only one set of recipes. By 2010, the sheer size of the meta-data was a problem. (You can see the old repository here: https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded) The start of the Yocto Project provided manpower to do something OpenEmbedded had talked about for years, start splitting the recipes into useful and easier to maintain subsets. Openembedded-core are the set of recipes that most people need to use to build a small, useful embedded device. Meta-openembedded was everything else. The meta-openembedded layers are used to extend the capability of openembedded-core by increasing the number of recipes to build more software for your project. Since then, we have been working on meta-openembedded to divide it into smaller groups of recipes grouped by technology, which is why meta-openembedded contains several layers now.大概是說,openembedded 只有一個 recipts, meta-openembedded 就做openedbedded 沒包到的 recipts
yocto 就利用多 recipts 的方法做出一堆公能。